
Open "README" file!


-This conky comes in 3 different modes!Open the "README" file to see a description of each one of them!

-It also comes in 2 versions(Celsius & Fahrenheit)


This conky comes with 5 pre-made themes.(Numix, Elune, Flat, Flat-Dark, Bauraturia)


In case you want to add one of your own themes pm me and I will add the theme to this conky!To see some parameters for the themes open the "README" file!

so cool.


(9.5 MB, Full HD)
(This post contains only a selection of the set, the full set is in this zip file, in their original size.) Click Skip Ad at the top right to get to the download.

Spectro Widget For Windows


Credit Author: zagortenay333
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