You can download rainmater link

+ Clock (12H(with AM/PM) and 24H support)
+ Date
+ Settings Menu (with color changer and other settings)
+ Skin Chooser
+ Traffic (Upload and Download)
+ Weather
+ Recycle Bin


+ To change the colors, just click on the box before the color strings
+ To open any skin, click on the box next to the title
+ In the recycle bin skin, left mouse button empty the bin and double left mouse click opens recycle bin
+ In the mail skin, when clicking on the number of emails, the middle mouse button refreshes the skin and double click opens the browser on gmail
+ In the weather skin, double click on "Today" word oppens page of your city
+ Multilanguage support (for date and weather skin).

(3.3 MB, Full HD)
(This post contains only a selection of the set, the full set is in this zip file, in their original size.) Click Skip Ad at the top right to get to the download.

Credit author: andremarquez
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